The Words

I read these at the back of a notebook quite a few years back when I didn’t quite understand the depth of it and now reading them again makes me realize how truly significant they are!

The most selfish 1 letter word….
Avoid it. 

The most satisfying 2 letter word….
Use it.

The most poisonous 3 letter word….
Kill it.

The most used 4 letter word….
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Value it.

The most pleasing 5 letter word….
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Keep it.
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The fastest spreading 6 letter word….
Ignore it.

The hardest working 7 letter word….
Achieve it.

The most enviable 8 letter word….
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Keep away.

The most powerful 9 letter word….
Acquire it.

The most essential 10 letter word….
Trust it.


Are you listening?

Haven’t turned my back on the “Gods”
just religion… 
I can’t cry and I’m tired of suffering… 
Are you listening?

Asked them to ease the pain but they don’t listen… 
So achieving freedom is now my mission…

Wishing this was the end instead of the beginning, following my heart aka intuition…

Walking along the path that I’m on I try to commit no wrong, my heart plays the song and my conscious sings along…

Greed and hatred is realities theme, no longer do I sleep to the Utopian dream.

Sitting here writing my thoughts some may consider it a poem, for me it’s the pain being released from its dark home.

Put my soul into this song, drowning in my misery… 
It’s too late to save me so just roll along… 
Only thing I ask is read this, share it and sing along…

Power in words, heart warming and conscious strong. 
Sharing the words needed to change things to becoming rights and no wrongs……

– Me writing on behalf of HUMANITY
(Trying to reach each person on every street, relaying the message for common good A.K.A Free Humanity!)