Have, Believe, Move!

To become what we want, we need to at least HAVE five of these qualities to MOVE forward.


 Courage is not the absence of fear but the acquired ability to move beyond fear and discouragement.

Courage doesn’t always roar, sometimes it is the little voice at the end of the day that says…”I’ll try again tomorrow.”
Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage! And of course, there’s no substitute for hard-work.


Strength and will-power are closely linked. Because strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. And it’s not that some people have will-power and some do not. It’s that some people are ready to change and others are not.

Will power comic

But it’s worth it. Right? 


Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength!


The difference between the possible and the impossible lies in a person’s determination.

I didn’t mean that! 

Determination gives you the resolve to keep going inspite of the road-blocks that lay before you!


Self discipline is when your conscience tells you to do something and you don’t talk back!


Don’t we oftentimes do something like that?
or this?

But, we must know that self-discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment!



My favourite lines on faith – “Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible!”


We just need to BELIEVE in ourselves and remember –




53 thoughts on “Have, Believe, Move!

  1. Hey, Glad you’re still enjoying my work, Many thanks 🙂 I really like this post. Great words of advice! I can totally relate to it. Again, thanks. I needed this


  2. I like this post; it certainly has given me en courage meant to move forward. It’s nice to be awaken by what you truly know your best intentions are for the greater good!


  3. Great Post! I love the simplicity and power of what your share.

    I especially liked your thought on self discipline.

    “Self discipline is when your conscience tells you to do something and you don’t talk back!”


  4. I have always had an unfortunate fear of life itself. To overcome the fear, I have tried to do things, that seems to be greater than myself. That quest generally fails for obvious reasons, but it does give me courage to live in relative peace with myself.

    This may give you an idea of what I mean:

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Tyy, I think I got what you meant. You’re probably the first person I’ve come across who fears life itself! I would do the same if I was at your place. But you know what, even if that quest fails, it gives you a whole new experience and if we reflect back on it, I’m sure we’ll realize how amazing it has been to live! And yes ofcourse, as you said, it has provided with you the courage to live in relative peace with yourself!
      I’d love to have you visit here again and share your insights 🙂


  5. Hi…!!!!
    I would like to thank you for the follow, it’s really appreciated. If you didn’t know please know you have an amazing blog. I have been so inspired as I have read some of your thoughts. In this post there were a few things that stood out.I will share the one thing that spoke to me the most.

    Courage doesn’t always roar, sometimes it is the little voice at the end of the day that says…”I’ll try again tomorrow.”

    I loved this!!! I was so encouraged as I read it. I will be back to read more….



    1. Hi Rolain! Thank you very much for visiting back with your generosity. I’m very glad you liked my little space here. You have an amazing blog too, I couldn’t resist following!
      That one on ‘courage’ is among the closest to me as well! You’re most welcome to visit anytime again and share your thoughts. I’d love to hear more! Stay good 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. The road to success is always under construction. 🙂
    And even though what we look for today is success, it is the happiness which gives an everlasting smile. ❤


  7. The Calvin and Hobbs strip is me. I’m always doing things last minute and what sucks is the fact that I know if I had been disciplined and taken more time I could have made or written at least ten times better. My self-discipline sucks. Like right now I should be getting dressed for work, instead I’m typing the comment with fourteen minutes before I need to get out the door. I wish there was a switch to turn on to make me instantly have the discipline I lack for getting things done in a timely manner without the stress involved with last minute panic.

    Good post. Thank you.


    1. Oh Robert! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. I tend to leave alot of things for the last minute too. I guess self-discipline comes from practice (which is tough, but possible!) 🙂 I wonder how much more would I like your posts if they were ten times better than these! They’re already so wow!
      Thank you once again and let’s hope to try and not be like that strip! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  8. This line – “courage doesn’t always roar, sometimes it is the little voice at the end of the day that says… ‘I’ll try again tomorrow,'” is very strong. I like it a lot.


  9. Great inspiring post Khushboo. It is easy to read, funny, yet very topical and true.
    Thanks also for liking and commenting on my blog.
    All the best.


  10. Hi, ants are some of the smallest creatures alive, but they don’t wait around. Like the one above holding a bark. You know they pick up things many times their weight to take home for food or something else. I wrote a poem about ants because it’s nice to include other creatures in my work. And don’t forget, animals have abilities that we (humans) don’t. I just wanted to share this with you and your readers.


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